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The Gallery: Friendship May 27, 2010

Posted by sunflower71 in Life with 3 princesses.

This is my first contribution to the wonderful initiative of Sticky Fingers – that to find images that represent a theme every week. 

This is how I’ve chosen to interpret this week’s promt: Friendship.

I think there is something special about sibling friendship…that is, if it exists.  I think, I had taken this quiet as a non-issue until some months ago I had my first inkling of what it could be like for my daughters to find support in each other.  It was the day when after an outing at the park we found out that our car had been broken into.  I tried to stay calm (which I think I did) not to impress them but what had struck me that day was TP and TC  crying in each others arms.  Since then I know I have made an extra effort at trying to keep peace between them and to teach them how to discuss things and negotiate instead of fighting each other (obviously not always succeeding).  I also hope that will rub off on to TS as she grows older.  I didn’t have a camera that day (I never have).  So I had to try to catch them at some moment together today.  Here they are trying to share 2 necklaces between the 3 of them!  (TP and TC knew this to be an impossible task but TS thought otherwise!)