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Dolomiti (1) July 17, 2010

Posted by sunflower71 in My trekking holiday.
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Thursday 8

1030hrs – Reality hits in

After a late b’fast we’re getting ready to leave for Pralongo, Val di Zoldo, or better, my friend who is hosting me in Italy and who invited me to join her for this walking long week-end, is putting together the last few things. My bags are ready so I was told to stay out of the way lest she forgets something.  Unusual role for me! So I make myself another tea and enjoy my summer edition of Intelligent Life while playing with Coco’s ears. She’s a lovely dog who I’ll be getting to know in the next few days.  She and Daisy, the other dog my friend keeps will be joining us.  Coco has her forelegs on my thigh.  Usually it’s The Star’s hands I have in the same place every time she catches me sitting down. Outside I can hear sounds of children.  A mummy is trying to get her two kids into the car.  One is crying.  The other is screaming she wants her red shoes.  Less than 20 hours after leaving my children I start missing my princesses!

1100hrs – My first surprise

On loading the car, I can see my friend is putting two sets of Nordic walking sticks into the car.  Till this moment, I hadn’t thought we’d be doing that kind of walking!

12oohrs – Kayland

I have now just bought my first pair of mountain shoes.  They are the biggest pair of shoes I have ever possessed.  After lengthy explanations by the shop assistant on how to know if they fit me well or not and after trying on a few different brands and trying to walk with them uphill and down hill on different types of terrain in an area specifically set up in the shop, we settle for a pair of Kaylands.

On the box it says they are both water proof and also let the sweat out.  I now know our walks in the mountains will nothing like the walks, long or short we usually take in Gozo or Malta.

1330hrs – Pit stop

I’m holding Coco and Daisy on their respective leashes.  I still can’t believe it myself but I’m so comfortable around these two dogs no one would believe that till now the closest I had ever been to dogs till now was several meters.  We have stopped at this sideway hotel for a quick lunch.  I’m dying for my first taste of real cappuccino.  What they offered didn’t disappoint.

The capucchino might not look tempting but it tasted just right! I loved the 'plate' my panino came served on, too!

1530hrs – iphone

on arriving at Villa Chele

Settling down in my room at Villa Chele while handwriting some notes (what I’m actually using to write these few lines now).  I’m now missing having an iphone to blog about this experience as it’s unfolding. I have to admit, I had never felt the need before.  Maybe my next phone will be just that.

1630hrs – testing, testing, 123

We’re off on our first walk.  A short drive from the Villa and we’re immersed in nature.  Trees, trees and more trees.  Mosquitoes and flies. Uneven paths.  Rocks and stones.  Sand and soil.  And an uphill walk till we come to a series of narrow rivers of icy cold water.  I’m struggling to find the breath to continue.  I find different excuses to stop to catch my breath. To take photos, to adjust my shoe laces, to adjust my rucksack, to have a drink, to adjust the Nordic sticks!

But I know I can’t stop now.  The atmosphere is too exhilarating!  I still can’t believe it I’m here!  Then around a bend we come to this beauty.

little me in the midst of all this beauty

It has definitely been worth it!

The walk down hill was faster though not obviously.  Parts of the walk were steep enough and rocky enough down which one can’t simply, safely hurry.

2300hrs – lights out

I’m now settled in and ready to call it a day.